Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Weight Watching .....

I've been getting called the 'sham doctor' or the 'neem hakeem (in Urdu) because I've been reading stuff online and in books. Now there's two things you can do online.

1. You can read about all the things that go wrong and research those issues like crazy.

I did that for a few days initially and after losing a couple of nights sleep and on the verge of becoming paranoid, I decided to put a stop to that nonsense. There's only a small chance of something like this to happen to us. So I have just educated myself about the issues and their symptoms and when they're most likely to appear. And then I stopped reading about them. Life is much more calmer now, and I'm not driving my wife crazy anymore.

2. Read things about how to have a healthy pregnancy and talk to other people in other countries about their experiences.

One of the most recommended twin pregnancy book is called 'When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads. Proven Guidelines for a Healthy Multiple Pregnancy' by Dr. Luke. So obviously we had to have it. The book has really good information and tips for a healthier twin pregnancy and I'll come back to that later.
Next are the forums. I've already become friends with a couple of parents on there who are pregnant with twins and a due in the same month as us. Talking to these people really opens up your eyes about the differences in the health care system in different countries. The US health care is way ahead in terms of prenatal care than us.

Based on the nutritional guidelines I've read for twins suggest that S needs to eat at least 5 times a day. And gain 20 pounds in the first 20 weeks of the pregnancy. Now that can be quite a challenge for somebody who is suffering from morning sickness. Anywhoo, we are trying. So far we're only up 4 pounds in 14 weeks. So we've got a long way to go.

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