Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's going to be a boy !!!???!!!

According to the ancient Chinese Pregnancy Calendar ..... our baby is going to be a boy !!
My sister told me about this calendar and she found that it was accurate for both her kids.

Here's what the internet says about this technique:
This Chinese gender prediction chart was supposedly discovered in a tomb, and is rumored to be over seven centuries old. (The original is said to be on display at the Beijing Institute of Science in China.) How accurate is it? Reports vary -- so don't paint the nursery based on the results -- but it's still fun to see what is predicted for you! 
Here's a link to the calendar

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yayyy ... The results are in ...

Two pink lines

On four different pregnancy tests over the period of 36 hours ... all positive ... I think we can start celebrating now. Even though there's a nagging feeling urging me to be more cautious ... after all, we haven't had an official lab test done yet and we havent even seen a doctor yet.

But that didn't stop me from asking S to start a search for a good gyno.
And banning all Cola drinks for her and having her take folic acid supplements.

The first lab results come in tonight ... can't wait!